
To answer the question to an idea after I got after I watched a show on Netflix Memory Games

“What should I memorise?”

Since I didn’t really want to memorise random numbers or cards like in the show. The names and facts are useful but not immediately actionable since I’d need to get the technique down.

Then I remembered how I used to be super into Anki but I guess after leaving university I never really had exams to study for and it dropped off the radar until now.

The main thing I remembered was reading something about a programmer using it to remember common syntax of the command line and libraries they commonly use. So I figured I would use my search history to check what I lookup the most and find the key areas that will help decide what useful things I could memorise.


So I found out both Chrome and Firefox store their history in sqlite file.

Regarding the data, I think when Firefox gets restored from backup it pulls all the history where chrome. I think it only has it since last install either that or I really do use Chrome a lot less nowadays.

Once I found them I played around with them in DBeaver until I had some working queries.

Then opened setup a Jupyter notebook and played around with the data loosely using Pandas and crated a simple Excel export to eyeball the words.


This is a taste of the highlights, I might of missed something since it was very rough but it’s generally a reflection of my current tech stack. SQL wasn’t on there but might be because I usually search by database vs generic SQL.

  • python
  • javascript
  • vue
  • vuetify
  • aws
  • serverless
  • graphql
  • pandas

Link to GitHub with instructions below if you wanna give it a shot yourself or just checkout the raw code.

bogdandrema at gmail dot com
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